
Sunday @ 10 am, Birth – 6th Grades

We love kids and believe that partnering with parents is the best way the teach children to know, love, and follow Christ! Our Kids Ministries workers have all necessary PA State clearances.

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The Cross Walk

Student Ministries

Sunday @ 10:40 am, 7th – 12th Grades

Our students gather each week to encourage and inspire each other to seek and follow Christ.

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Men of First Assembly


Tuesday @ 6:30 pm

Men of Faith meets Tuesday evenings at 6:30 for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer. Other events and outreaches are planned throughout the year.

Our Men’s Ministries director is Jim Weiss.  Click HERE to email Jim.

Women First Assembly

Women's intercessory prayer

Meets for prayer and fellowship every Tuesday morning at 10 AM and every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Special events, outreaches, and opportunities for fellowship with others are also scheduled from time to time.



Building Lives And Studying Truth!

Thursdays from 5:45 – 7:30 pm 

New Semester Begins February 6th!

We invite you to join us Thursday nights (Spring and Fall Semesters) for Blast! This is Family Night on steroids! The purpose is to provide a learning and fellowship opportunity for everyone – from the youngest to the oldest – in a comfortable environment, being sensitive to the needs of today’s busy family. The Spring Semester runs February through April and the Fall Semester runs September through November. Each evening includes dinner at 5:45, so bring the whole family!


Committed to home and around the world.

To that end, we support 23 missionaries and mission funds outside of our church monthly. In addition, we are proactive in meeting physical and spiritual needs in the greater Shippensburg community. We care about people; body, soul, mind, and spirit and give of our time and resources to make a difference wherever we can.

First Sunday

First Sunday Night @ 6PM

We set aside the first Sunday night of each month for a time of Worship and Praise, seeking and soaking in the Holy Spirit and praying together for Revival in our region!

Each month is a little different; most often we bring in guest ministers and Worship leaders. God has been meeting with us in a powerful way!

First Sunday

Royal Rangers

Tuesday @ 6:30 PM

Royal Rangers is a mentoring ministry for future men, providing Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.

Boys from Kindergarten through High School are eligible to take part!