Next Steps
Here are some next steps to help you on your journey of faith!

Sunday @ 9:00 am, Fellowship Hall & Lobby
Every Sunday morning around 9:00 AM, we get together to gather for coffee, snacks, and conversation. This is a great way to get to know one another in a friendly, relaxed environment! Then, at 9:45, we move to the Sanctuary for a time of pre-service prayer.

Transforming your life
We believe that Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth, lived, died and rose again so that we can have eternal life! It is by Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross that we can be saved from our sin and made into brand new creations! This transformation is what Jesus referred to as being born-again. (John 3:3)
When you accept what Jesus did for you as payment for your sins, and choose to live for Him, you will be saved. This is the first step in your new life; a life of freedom, joy and newfound power for living!

Multiple opportunities for you
We have regular gatherings for people of all ages to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord. Please see our Ministries page for more information.
Water Baptism
Baptism in water is the Biblical outward sign of an inner change. The symbolism is rich; we die to our old lives and are “buried” with Christ in the water and then “rise” with Christ in newness of life!
The Bible instructs us to follow Salvation with Baptism, not that Baptism saves us, but it is our testimony of our new path in life and a promise to God to live for Him from now on. If you have given your life to Jesus, we would love to celebrate with you in Baptism!
Tech Team
Audio, video, Social Media, Graphic design, Live Streaming
The “face” of the Church, welcoming people on Sunday morning
Helping regulars and guests feel at home
Using your musical gifts in Worship
Facilities Team
Helping keep the church property clean and in good condition
helping to get the word out to our church and community about special events
…and more! Let us hear from you!